Monday, June 4, 2012

Week of June 4, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition -  make Cupcakes.
7th grade Sewing/Cooking - make cupcakes. Those not finished sewing, will continue

6th grade Health/Nutrition - Frost and eat cupcakes
7th grade Sewing/Cooking - Frosting and Sewing

3 Mile Project - activity for those not attending

Encore Celebration - activity for those not attending

Friday, May 25, 2012

Week of May 28-June 1

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Tuesday - finish Food Safety. Chicken Nugget recipe
Wednesday - make Chicken Nuggets
Thursday - Eat Chicken Nuggets
Friday -  make Mac n Cheese

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
3rd hour
Tuesday - go over and turn in Cooking Packet. go over pancakes/sausages recipes
Wednesday - make pancakes and sausages
Thursday - make Beefaroni and Lasagna
Friday - eat Beefaroni and lasagna

9th hour
Tuesday - practice measuring, work on packet
Wednesday - kitchen groups, jobs, scavenger hunt, packet
Thursday - make and bake muffins
Friday - go over and turn in packets and eat muffins

8th grade Health
Tuesday - First Aid Crossword
Wednesday and Thursday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department
Final Journal due Thursday (6 entries x 5 sentences = 30 sentences) See blog for topics
Friday - Michigan Adventure

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Week of May 21, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - Thursday - go over quizzes. Protein information. Food Safety
Friday - Breakfast Burrito Lab

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
4th hour
Monday-Wednesday - Cooking information. divide into kitchens
Thursday-Friday - Muffins

7th hour
Monday - Wednesday - sewing and self-evaluations
Thursday and Friday - Cooking information. divide into kitchens

8th grade Health
Monday-Wednesday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department (3 entries for Journal 6)
Thursday and Friday - go over STI tests. First Aid

Monday, May 14, 2012

8th Grade Health Journal 6 - Due Thursday 5/31

M 5/14 Go over HW assignment. Analyze media for smoking, drinking, drugs, and violence and how it might affect you. What emotions might you have? Statistics of death due to murder, violence in cartoons. Who are famous role models and how could they affect you positively/negatively.  Ways media is violent and ways to resist media violence

M 5/21 Anxiety - what happens to the body physically/mentally?  What situations cause no anxiety/some anxiety/high anxiety?  What are the ways to deal with anxiety - healthy and unhealthy ways?

T 5/22 Techniques of breathing and relaxation to handle stress. 4th hour Telephone Game

W 5/23 Communication - ways to reduce misunderstandings, peanut butter/jelly sandwich,  body language and communication, passive, assertive and aggressive communication

W 5/30 Passive, assertive, aggressive communication, refusal skills

Th 5/31 Giving compliments, ways to get over being shy

Friday, May 11, 2012

Week of May 14, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - go over recipes for vegetable dishes, review fruits/vegetables/energy drinks/smoking and hearing loss
Tuesday - make vegetables
Wednesday - eat vegetables
Thursday - Quiz from Monday review

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday-Wednesday - sew and self-evaluations
Thursday - go over Cooking Information Sheet

8th grade Health
Monday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department
Tuesday - video discussion, STI study sheet
Wednesday - STI review
Thursday - STI Test

Friday, May 4, 2012

Week of May 7, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - go over recipes, finish vegetable/fruit information
Tuesday - make vegetable dishes
Wednesday - eat vegetable dishes
Thursday - make fruit dishes
Friday - eat fruit dishes

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Sewing and self-evaluation all week.
Maybe the last week of sewing

8th grade Health
Monday-Wednesday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Dept.
Thursday - finish HIV info, effects of HIV/STIs
Friday - Sex, Love, and Lies video and discussion

Monday, April 30, 2012

8th Grade Health Journal 5 - due Wednesday 5/9 Six entries@5 sentences each.

M 4/30 Marijuana Fact or Fiction
T 5/1  Effects of using marijuana - act out, read, draw
W 5/2 Inhalants - definition, types, why abused, slang names, effects on body
M 5/7 Least-Most Dangerous Drugs and discussion, abuse/misuse of prescription drugs - definitions and lists, You Be the Judge!
T 5/8
W 5/9

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Week of April 30, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - Finish Energy Drink/Say What? questions, Vegetable/Fruit notes
Tuesday - Vegetable/Fruit notes, What shall we cook?
Wednesday - go over recipes, continue notes
Thursday and Friday - cook and eat vegetable dishes

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
All Week - sew project and self-evaluation

8th grade Health
Monday-Wednesday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department (turn in Journal 4 - 6 entries=30 sentences)
Thursday - STIs
Friday - Drama Team from Pregnancy Resource Center Challenge letter due

Monday, April 23, 2012

8th grade Health - Journal 4

M 4/23  4th hour -Types of drinkers, effects of alcohol/stick man drawings, Ms. M's twin and effects of alcohol, alcohol statistics stand up/sit down 7th hour-Why teens choose not to use tobacco, types of drinkers, effects of alcohol/stick man drawings
T 4/24 4th hour - drunk goggles, hangovers, how to sober up 7th hour - drunk goggles, Ms. M's twin and effects of alcohol, hangovers, how to sober up, statistics, why teens do/do not use alcohol
W 4/25 Marijuana Fact/Fiction
Th 4/26  Story about Tonya and diamond. How far is too far?
F 4/27 Mrs. Liles last day. Characteristics important for choosing mate. Assignment for next Friday: write Challenge letter

Friday, April 20, 2012

Week of April 23-27, 2012

Progress Reports go home Friday

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - Grilled Cheese or French Toast Lab
Tuesday - Grain Group/Measuring/Recipe Quiz, begin Vegetable/Fruit Unit
Wednesday-Friday - Vegetable/Fruit Information and getting ready to cook vegetable dish

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
All week - Work on sewing project and self evaluation,  if finished

8th grade Health
Monday-Wednesday - Ms. M. from Kent County Health Department
Thursday and Friday - Mrs. Liles from Pregnancy Resource Center

Monday, April 16, 2012

8th Grade Health Journal 3 Due Friday - 5/20 (4 entries=20sentences)

M 4/16 Ms. M. KCHD Review statistics of teenage tobacco use. Chemicals found in tobacco products.
W 4/18 Passed around cancerous lung cross sections and Mr. DipLip. Straw activity/breathing.  Relay why teens use/don't use tobacco, liquor quiz
TH 4/19 Emotional baggage, oxytocin, abstinence vs. "safe sex", Dice game
F 4/20 Make it Easy on Yourself (red handout) discussion and skits

Friday, April 13, 2012

Week of April 16, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday and Tuesday - getting ready to cook
Wednesday  - make and bake muffins
Thursday - eat muffins with orange juice
Friday - evaluate 1st cooking, vote for next grain lab, review grains, measuring and recipes

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday-Friday - work on sewing project

8th grade Health
Monday - Ms. M Kent County Health Department Journal 3-1
Tuesday - continue STI packet
Wednesday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department Journal 3-2
Thursday and Friday - Mrs. Liles Pregnancy Resource Center Journal 3-3 and 4

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Week of April 9, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - Portion Distortion Power Point, Healthy Behavior study sheet
Tuesday - go over review sheet
Wednesday - Healthy Behavior Test
Thursday and Friday - Grain group information

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday - Sewing machine practice
Tuesday-Friday - finish practice and begin sewing projects

8th grade Health
Monday and Tuesday - Ms. M. Kent Co. Health Department (Journal 2 due Tuesday)
Wednesday - Male reproductive system and Fertilized egg quizzes, make-up or retake female reproductive quiz
Thursday - Mrs. Liles Pregnancy Resource Center
Friday - Mrs. Liles Pregnancy Resource Center

Monday, March 26, 2012

8th Health Journal 2 - Due Friday 4/13 (5 entries)

M 3/26 Definition of self image, Beachball - what builds up/deflates self-image, can activity - what worked/didn't work
T 3/27 discussion of can activity and setting goals, steps in setting a goal, student setting personal short term goal
M 4/9 decision-making, examples of decisions already made this morning, Mark's story and who was responsible for Maria's decision, 3 Cs of decision-making
T 4/10 review 3 c's, decision making situations in groups, ways people use tobacco
Th 4/12 STI power point, Sunny D experiment
F 4/13 Mrs. Liles Absent

Friday, March 23, 2012

Week of March 26, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday and Tuesday - finish and review Healthy Behavior (rumors/facts, talk test, barriers) roleplay
Wednesday - 3 mile project celebration

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday - review and practice threading
Tuesday - Sewing Test
Wednesday - 3 mile project celebration and Sparty Cup

8th grade Health
Monday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department
Tuesday - Ms. M.
Wednesday - 3 mile project celebration and Sparty Cup

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

8th Grade Health - Journal 1 - Due Friday 3/23 Three entries = 15 sentences/facts

Anytime you are absent for a journal, please write absent and the date in the journal so I know why it isn't there and will give you the points!
W 3/23 Ms. M. from Kent Co. Health Department -  Coat of Arms
Th 3/24 Mrs. Liles from Pregnancy Resource Center - definition and examples of abstinence, handout for parents and interview assignment (due T 3/27) and handout: reasons teens are sexually active and/or deciding to wait, The Sex Game
F 3/25 Mrs. Liles - skits about teen pregnancy, Teen Pregnancy power point

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week of March 19, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - finish Health poster
Tuesday - Benefits of Breakfast magazine article and questions
Wednesday - Rumors/Truth about healthy eating/exercise
Thursday - More
Friday - barriers to healthy eating/exercise, roleplay

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday - continue Sewing packet
Tuesday - study sheet and crossword
Wednesday - ORDERS DUE, continue from yesterday
Thursday - assign drawers/machines, review
Friday - Test??? (students vote for Friday or Monday)

8th grade Health
Monday - Wednesday  Ms. M. Kent County Health Department
Thursday and Friday - Mrs. Liles Pregnancy Resource Center
Begin Journal writing on Wednesday. Collect Journal 1 Friday - 3 entries 5sentences each.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Week of March 12, 2012 - BEGIN THIRD TRIMESTER

Monday all classes - Syllabus and Procedures - syllabus sent home for signature (1st assignment grade)
Tuesday all classes - Social Contract

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Wednesday-Friday - Healthy  behaviors

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Wednesday - Sewing project letter
Thursday - Sewing pretest
Friday - Sewing Information Packet

8th grade Health
Wednesday - Reproductive system/Teen pregnancy Pretest and begin study sheet
Thursday - continue study sheet for male/female reproductive system, Journal information and practice
Friday - quiz over female reproductive system and male for students who are ready

Friday, March 2, 2012

Week of March 5, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - Danger Zone questions, dairy group
Tuesday - Macncheese or English Muffin pizza lab
Wednesday - make cookie dough
Thursday - bake and eat cookies
Friday - Encore celebration for kids with A or B

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday - sew and self-evaluations
Tuesday - measuring practice and decide what to cook
Wednesday and Thursday - cook
Friday - Encore celebration for kids with A or B

7th grade Health
Monday and Tuesday - muscle and cardio fitness written activities
Wednesday - open note muscle/cardiovascular fitness test
Thursday - cardio day in gym
Friday - Encore celebration for kids with A or B

8th grade Health
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - Ms. M. Last three journal days, Journal Due 5 entries=25 sentences
Thursday - Posttest and thank you for Ms. M.
Friday - Encore celebration for kids with A or B

Monday, February 27, 2012

8th Grade Health - Journal 5 - Due 3/7 (5 entries)

M 2/27 Ms. M. 4th hour - Advertising techniques (blue sheet) View advertising and fill out yellow sheet (Maid Service and Taco Bell)  7th hour - Misuse/Abuse scenarios, Advertising techniques (blue sheet) view magazine ads to pick out techniques
T 2/28 Drama Team (no journal)
W 2/29 Ms. M stress and anxiety, causes, ways it affects how you feel (signs), how anxious particular situations make you (vote), healthy/unhealthy ways to deal
M 3/5 Ms. M 4th hour Relaxation, breathing CD 7th hour - anxiety (see above)
T 3/6 Ms. M Social skills - giving compliments, meeting/greeting new people, how to get over being shy
W 3/7 Ms. M Characteristics of ideal partner, must-haves vs. maybes, roleplays on asking people out, how to accept a date, accept a date for a different time, and how to turn it down

Week of February 27, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - B'fast Burritos
Tuesday - 1st hour - go over Protein questions, food safety 2nd hour - Grain group, Recipe and Measuring Retests,
Wednesday - Food Safety, chicken nugget recipe
Thursday and Friday - make and eat Chicken Nuggets

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday - Wednesday Sew and self-evaluations
Thursday and Friday - Get ready to cook

7th grade Health
Monday - Muscle strength and endurance
Tuesday - Healthy Eating test retakes
Wednesday - Flexibility quiz, continue muscle strength and endurance
Thursday - Cardiovascular fitness
Friday - cardio day in gym

8th grade Health
Monday - Ms. M.
Tuesday - Drama Team from PRC
Wednesday - Ms. M.
Thursday - STI test retakes
Friday - alcohol, FAS

Friday, February 17, 2012

Week of February 20, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - Pop Risk and Dying to be Thin questions
Tuesday - Finish and go over
Wednesday - Protein group
Thursday - go over recipes, continue with Proteins
Friday - Breakfast Burrito Lab

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday - Cooking Terms, Equipment, Measuring
Tuesday - Friday Sewing projects and evaluations
7th grade Health
Monday - Pop Risk and Dying to be Thin questions
Tuesday - Finish and Go over
Wednesday  and Thursday - Flexibility
Friday - cardio in gym

8th grade Health
Monday - I was Hooked on Prescription Drugs and Teen Mom questions, Melissa and Megan
Tuesday - finish and go over. Go over drug questions
Wednesday - Drug use continuum and Facts/myths about drugs
Thursday - alcohol video and questions
Friday - Finish continuum, FAS

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week of February 13, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - finish Fruit/Vegetable information
Tuesday - go over fruit recipes, review fruit/vegetables
Wednesday and Thursday - fruit lab
Friday - Fruit and vegetable quiz, begin protein group

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Sew all week/write evaluation when project completed

7th grade Health
Monday - review Eat Right and Exercise unit
Tuesday - Test
Wednesday and Thursday - flexibility information
Friday - cardio day in gym

8th grade Health
Monday - Ms. M.
Tuesday - Mrs. Liles
Wednesday - Ms. M. (Journal 4 due)
Thursday and Friday - Drug information

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

8th Grade Health Journal 4 - Due Wednesday

M 2/6 Ms. M.  Marijuana fact/fiction
T 2/7 Ms. M. 4th hr.  Marijuana effects "charades" 7th hr. Marijuana fact/fiction
W 2/8 Ms. M. 4th hr. Inhalants definitions, why abused, types, effects on organs  7th hr. Marijuana effects "charades"
Th 2/9 Mrs. Liles "diamond" story, How far is too far? Great Ideas for While you Wait (yellow handout)
M 2/13 Ms. M. 4th hr.  Review Inhalant types and effects, least/most dangerous drugs, prescription drugs, misuse/abuse 7th hr. Inhalant types, why abused, affects on organs, SSDS Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome
T 2/14 Mrs. Liles Verbal/Emotional, Physical, Sexual abuse powerpoint, $600 to choose characteristics of the "right" person in a relationship
W 2/15 Ms. M.4th hr.  review prescription drugs, media types, ways ads get people to buy 7th hr. review inhalant info, Least/Most dangerous, prescription drugs
Journal 4 will be collected Wednesday, 2/15

Friday, February 3, 2012

Week of February 6, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday and Tuesday - Vegetable/Fruit information
Wednesday - make vegetables dishes
Thursday - eat vegetable dishes
Friday - evaluate cooking. Activity with Veg/Fruit information

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Work on sewing project all week

7th grade Health
Monday - Finish up fast food, reading labels
Tuesday - reading labels, Healthy Eating study sheet
Wednesday - continue and go over study sheet
Thursday - review healthy eating, label assignment due
Friday - cardio day in gym

8th grade Health
Monday - Wednesday - Ms. M. KCHD
Thursday - Mrs. Liles PRC Journal 4 due (4 entries from this week=20 sentences), Challenge Letter Due
Friday - STI Test

Monday, January 30, 2012

8th grade Health Journal 3 - Due Thursday (4 entries=20 facts/sentences)

M 1/30 Ms. M. types of drinkers, liver and alcohol, difference of alcohol in beer, wine, liquor, drawing of effects of alcohol, drunk goggles, what factors determine how alcohol affects a person (Ms. M. and twin)
T 1/31 Mrs. Liles Emotional baggage, breaking hearts (paper), oxytocin, memories and comparisons, feeling used, reputation, guilt, fear, loss of respect, Abstinence vs. "Safe(r) Sex"
W 2/1 Ms. M. Ways to get alcohol out of your body (stand up/sit down activity), hangover, statistics about alcohol and 13-19 year olds, alcohol poisoning effects and what will happen if you call for help
Th 2/2 Ms. Liles (Red handout) on Date Rape and Skills to help you Succeed in Waiting to have Sex, skits regarding same

Friday, January 27, 2012

Week of January 30, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - Grain group information
Tuesday - Kitchen vote for grilled cheese or french toast, review measuring and reliable recipes
Wednesday - Grilled cheese/French Toast lab
Thursday - Grain group/Measuring/Recipe quiz
Friday - Begin vegetable group unit

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday-Friday - sewing projects

7th grade Health
Monday - What affects eating habits and how eating habits affect you, goals
Tuesday - Goal for healthy eating and exercise, reading food labels
Wednesday - Food labels, fast food
Thursday - Fast Food activity in media center
Friday - Cardio day in gym

8th grade Health
Monday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department
Tuesday - Ms. Liles Pregnancy Resource Center
Wednesday - Ms. M.
Thursday - Ms. Liles Journal 3 due/4 entries
Friday - Teen Pregnancy Quiz, STI study sheet due

Friday, January 20, 2012

Week of January 23, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - go over muffin recipes, practice measuring
Tuesday - two hour delay
Wednesday - make/bake muffins
Thursday - make orange juice to eat with muffins

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday-Thursday - work on sewing project

7th grade Health
Monday-Wednesday - finish Supersize Me DVD and questions
Thursday - cardio day in gym

8th grade Health
Monday - Ms. M. from KCHD
Tuesday - Work on STI study sheet
Wednesday - Ms. M. from KCHD
Thursday - Mrs. Liles from PRC Journal 2 due - 5 entries=25 sentences

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

8th grade Health - Journal 2/due Thursday 1/26 (5 entries=25 sentences)

T 1/17  Mrs. Liles Teen pregnancy
W 1/18 Ms. M. 4th hour - 3 C's to making a decision, discussion of Maria's decision, types of tobacco, cost of smoking 7th hour - 3 C's, Maria's decision, decision-making situations in groups
M 1/23 Ms. M. chemicals in tobacco products
W 1/25 Ms. M.4th hour - Long/short term effects of using tobacco, why teens do/don't use tobacco, amount of alcohol in beer, wine, liquor, affects of alcohol
7th hour - long/short term effects of using tobacco, tobacco statistics, cost of smoking
Th 1/26 Mrs. Liles STI powerpoint/STI handout/Transmission of STIs activity

Monday, January 16, 2012

Week of January 16, 2012

6th grade Nutrition/Health
Monday - Go over tests.(retakes before Thursday classtime) Choose My Plate notes.
Tuesday and Wednesday - getting ready to cook. reliable recipes. measuring. kitchen safety. kitchen assignments and social contract
Thursday - more getting ready to cook
Friday - make grilled cheese or french toast

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday - work on sewing sample. Begin sewing project.
Tuesday - go over test. continue from Monday.
Wednesday-Friday - work on sewing project

7th grade Health
Monday - One day menu assignment
Tuesday-Thursday - Supersize Me DVD
Friday - cardio day in gym

8th grade Health
Monday - go over journals. STI risk game
Tuesday - Pregnancy Resource Center 2nd session
Wednesday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Dept
Thursday - Parent interview. Teen Pregnancy. 3 C's to a decision. STI study sheet
Friday -Teen pregnancy quiz.  review for STI test

Friday, January 6, 2012

Week of January 9, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday -Introduce Choose My Plate and begin packet
Tuesday-Thursday - go to Computer lab to work on Choose My Plate packet
Friday - Review information and begin activity (snow day)

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday - Go to sewing machines. Go over parts and safety rules
Tuesday - Practice threading
Wednesday-Friday - Work on practice sample and begin making pants/shorts
(snow day Friday)

7th grade Health
Monday - pretest Healthy Eating
Tuesday - Thursday -  Eat Right and Exercise dvd and questions, Choose my Plate activity
Friday - go to gym (snow day)

8th grade Health
Monday - Ms. M. from Kent County Health Department
Tuesday - 1st Pregnancy Resource Center session
Wednesday - Ms. M.  Journal 1 Due - 5 entries = 25 sentences
Thursday and Friday - continue STI notes (snow day Friday)
Parent Interview due Tues. Jan 17

Journal 1
12/14 Self-image, Coat of Arms, Mirror
1/5 Review Coat of Arms, self-image definition, beach ball activity (ways to inflate/deflate self-image)
1/9 Can activity and discussion of what worked/didn't work and why, goal-setting steps, choose a personal goal by Wednesday
1/10 PRC survey, brainstorm of what her sessions will be about, definition & example of abstinence, think about future goals and how to get there (imagine life at 30 years old), her goal is for you to have healthy life, connection between waiting and happy marriage,
1/11 Fill in goal sheet, go over steps and report out, what decisions have you made already today

Monday and Thursday - hw/reading
Tuesday - magazine meeting
Wednesday - STR (quality)
Friday - team building/game day (snow day)