Monday, January 30, 2012

8th grade Health Journal 3 - Due Thursday (4 entries=20 facts/sentences)

M 1/30 Ms. M. types of drinkers, liver and alcohol, difference of alcohol in beer, wine, liquor, drawing of effects of alcohol, drunk goggles, what factors determine how alcohol affects a person (Ms. M. and twin)
T 1/31 Mrs. Liles Emotional baggage, breaking hearts (paper), oxytocin, memories and comparisons, feeling used, reputation, guilt, fear, loss of respect, Abstinence vs. "Safe(r) Sex"
W 2/1 Ms. M. Ways to get alcohol out of your body (stand up/sit down activity), hangover, statistics about alcohol and 13-19 year olds, alcohol poisoning effects and what will happen if you call for help
Th 2/2 Ms. Liles (Red handout) on Date Rape and Skills to help you Succeed in Waiting to have Sex, skits regarding same

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