Monday, April 23, 2012

8th grade Health - Journal 4

M 4/23  4th hour -Types of drinkers, effects of alcohol/stick man drawings, Ms. M's twin and effects of alcohol, alcohol statistics stand up/sit down 7th hour-Why teens choose not to use tobacco, types of drinkers, effects of alcohol/stick man drawings
T 4/24 4th hour - drunk goggles, hangovers, how to sober up 7th hour - drunk goggles, Ms. M's twin and effects of alcohol, hangovers, how to sober up, statistics, why teens do/do not use alcohol
W 4/25 Marijuana Fact/Fiction
Th 4/26  Story about Tonya and diamond. How far is too far?
F 4/27 Mrs. Liles last day. Characteristics important for choosing mate. Assignment for next Friday: write Challenge letter

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