Monday, April 30, 2012

8th Grade Health Journal 5 - due Wednesday 5/9 Six entries@5 sentences each.

M 4/30 Marijuana Fact or Fiction
T 5/1  Effects of using marijuana - act out, read, draw
W 5/2 Inhalants - definition, types, why abused, slang names, effects on body
M 5/7 Least-Most Dangerous Drugs and discussion, abuse/misuse of prescription drugs - definitions and lists, You Be the Judge!
T 5/8
W 5/9

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Week of April 30, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - Finish Energy Drink/Say What? questions, Vegetable/Fruit notes
Tuesday - Vegetable/Fruit notes, What shall we cook?
Wednesday - go over recipes, continue notes
Thursday and Friday - cook and eat vegetable dishes

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
All Week - sew project and self-evaluation

8th grade Health
Monday-Wednesday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department (turn in Journal 4 - 6 entries=30 sentences)
Thursday - STIs
Friday - Drama Team from Pregnancy Resource Center Challenge letter due

Monday, April 23, 2012

8th grade Health - Journal 4

M 4/23  4th hour -Types of drinkers, effects of alcohol/stick man drawings, Ms. M's twin and effects of alcohol, alcohol statistics stand up/sit down 7th hour-Why teens choose not to use tobacco, types of drinkers, effects of alcohol/stick man drawings
T 4/24 4th hour - drunk goggles, hangovers, how to sober up 7th hour - drunk goggles, Ms. M's twin and effects of alcohol, hangovers, how to sober up, statistics, why teens do/do not use alcohol
W 4/25 Marijuana Fact/Fiction
Th 4/26  Story about Tonya and diamond. How far is too far?
F 4/27 Mrs. Liles last day. Characteristics important for choosing mate. Assignment for next Friday: write Challenge letter

Friday, April 20, 2012

Week of April 23-27, 2012

Progress Reports go home Friday

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - Grilled Cheese or French Toast Lab
Tuesday - Grain Group/Measuring/Recipe Quiz, begin Vegetable/Fruit Unit
Wednesday-Friday - Vegetable/Fruit Information and getting ready to cook vegetable dish

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
All week - Work on sewing project and self evaluation,  if finished

8th grade Health
Monday-Wednesday - Ms. M. from Kent County Health Department
Thursday and Friday - Mrs. Liles from Pregnancy Resource Center

Monday, April 16, 2012

8th Grade Health Journal 3 Due Friday - 5/20 (4 entries=20sentences)

M 4/16 Ms. M. KCHD Review statistics of teenage tobacco use. Chemicals found in tobacco products.
W 4/18 Passed around cancerous lung cross sections and Mr. DipLip. Straw activity/breathing.  Relay why teens use/don't use tobacco, liquor quiz
TH 4/19 Emotional baggage, oxytocin, abstinence vs. "safe sex", Dice game
F 4/20 Make it Easy on Yourself (red handout) discussion and skits

Friday, April 13, 2012

Week of April 16, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday and Tuesday - getting ready to cook
Wednesday  - make and bake muffins
Thursday - eat muffins with orange juice
Friday - evaluate 1st cooking, vote for next grain lab, review grains, measuring and recipes

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday-Friday - work on sewing project

8th grade Health
Monday - Ms. M Kent County Health Department Journal 3-1
Tuesday - continue STI packet
Wednesday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department Journal 3-2
Thursday and Friday - Mrs. Liles Pregnancy Resource Center Journal 3-3 and 4