Monday, January 30, 2012

8th grade Health Journal 3 - Due Thursday (4 entries=20 facts/sentences)

M 1/30 Ms. M. types of drinkers, liver and alcohol, difference of alcohol in beer, wine, liquor, drawing of effects of alcohol, drunk goggles, what factors determine how alcohol affects a person (Ms. M. and twin)
T 1/31 Mrs. Liles Emotional baggage, breaking hearts (paper), oxytocin, memories and comparisons, feeling used, reputation, guilt, fear, loss of respect, Abstinence vs. "Safe(r) Sex"
W 2/1 Ms. M. Ways to get alcohol out of your body (stand up/sit down activity), hangover, statistics about alcohol and 13-19 year olds, alcohol poisoning effects and what will happen if you call for help
Th 2/2 Ms. Liles (Red handout) on Date Rape and Skills to help you Succeed in Waiting to have Sex, skits regarding same

Friday, January 27, 2012

Week of January 30, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - Grain group information
Tuesday - Kitchen vote for grilled cheese or french toast, review measuring and reliable recipes
Wednesday - Grilled cheese/French Toast lab
Thursday - Grain group/Measuring/Recipe quiz
Friday - Begin vegetable group unit

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday-Friday - sewing projects

7th grade Health
Monday - What affects eating habits and how eating habits affect you, goals
Tuesday - Goal for healthy eating and exercise, reading food labels
Wednesday - Food labels, fast food
Thursday - Fast Food activity in media center
Friday - Cardio day in gym

8th grade Health
Monday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department
Tuesday - Ms. Liles Pregnancy Resource Center
Wednesday - Ms. M.
Thursday - Ms. Liles Journal 3 due/4 entries
Friday - Teen Pregnancy Quiz, STI study sheet due

Friday, January 20, 2012

Week of January 23, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - go over muffin recipes, practice measuring
Tuesday - two hour delay
Wednesday - make/bake muffins
Thursday - make orange juice to eat with muffins

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday-Thursday - work on sewing project

7th grade Health
Monday-Wednesday - finish Supersize Me DVD and questions
Thursday - cardio day in gym

8th grade Health
Monday - Ms. M. from KCHD
Tuesday - Work on STI study sheet
Wednesday - Ms. M. from KCHD
Thursday - Mrs. Liles from PRC Journal 2 due - 5 entries=25 sentences

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

8th grade Health - Journal 2/due Thursday 1/26 (5 entries=25 sentences)

T 1/17  Mrs. Liles Teen pregnancy
W 1/18 Ms. M. 4th hour - 3 C's to making a decision, discussion of Maria's decision, types of tobacco, cost of smoking 7th hour - 3 C's, Maria's decision, decision-making situations in groups
M 1/23 Ms. M. chemicals in tobacco products
W 1/25 Ms. M.4th hour - Long/short term effects of using tobacco, why teens do/don't use tobacco, amount of alcohol in beer, wine, liquor, affects of alcohol
7th hour - long/short term effects of using tobacco, tobacco statistics, cost of smoking
Th 1/26 Mrs. Liles STI powerpoint/STI handout/Transmission of STIs activity

Monday, January 16, 2012

Week of January 16, 2012

6th grade Nutrition/Health
Monday - Go over tests.(retakes before Thursday classtime) Choose My Plate notes.
Tuesday and Wednesday - getting ready to cook. reliable recipes. measuring. kitchen safety. kitchen assignments and social contract
Thursday - more getting ready to cook
Friday - make grilled cheese or french toast

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday - work on sewing sample. Begin sewing project.
Tuesday - go over test. continue from Monday.
Wednesday-Friday - work on sewing project

7th grade Health
Monday - One day menu assignment
Tuesday-Thursday - Supersize Me DVD
Friday - cardio day in gym

8th grade Health
Monday - go over journals. STI risk game
Tuesday - Pregnancy Resource Center 2nd session
Wednesday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Dept
Thursday - Parent interview. Teen Pregnancy. 3 C's to a decision. STI study sheet
Friday -Teen pregnancy quiz.  review for STI test

Friday, January 6, 2012

Week of January 9, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday -Introduce Choose My Plate and begin packet
Tuesday-Thursday - go to Computer lab to work on Choose My Plate packet
Friday - Review information and begin activity (snow day)

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday - Go to sewing machines. Go over parts and safety rules
Tuesday - Practice threading
Wednesday-Friday - Work on practice sample and begin making pants/shorts
(snow day Friday)

7th grade Health
Monday - pretest Healthy Eating
Tuesday - Thursday -  Eat Right and Exercise dvd and questions, Choose my Plate activity
Friday - go to gym (snow day)

8th grade Health
Monday - Ms. M. from Kent County Health Department
Tuesday - 1st Pregnancy Resource Center session
Wednesday - Ms. M.  Journal 1 Due - 5 entries = 25 sentences
Thursday and Friday - continue STI notes (snow day Friday)
Parent Interview due Tues. Jan 17

Journal 1
12/14 Self-image, Coat of Arms, Mirror
1/5 Review Coat of Arms, self-image definition, beach ball activity (ways to inflate/deflate self-image)
1/9 Can activity and discussion of what worked/didn't work and why, goal-setting steps, choose a personal goal by Wednesday
1/10 PRC survey, brainstorm of what her sessions will be about, definition & example of abstinence, think about future goals and how to get there (imagine life at 30 years old), her goal is for you to have healthy life, connection between waiting and happy marriage,
1/11 Fill in goal sheet, go over steps and report out, what decisions have you made already today

Monday and Thursday - hw/reading
Tuesday - magazine meeting
Wednesday - STR (quality)
Friday - team building/game day (snow day)