Friday, December 9, 2011

Week of December 12-16, 2011

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - Healthy behavior tree map
Tuesday - Facts/myths of healthy behavior
Wednesday - Choices magazine questions
Thursday - Barriers to Healthy behavior
Friday - Roleply barriers

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday and Tuesday - sewing packet
Wednesday - Choices magazine questions
Thursday - Sewing project orders due/design a t-shirt
Friday - Finish packet, sewing crossword

7th grade Health
Monday - social contract, Body Composition Prequiz
Tuesday - Body Composition DVD and questions
Wednesday - Choices magazine questions
Thursday - height/weight chart, BMI
Friday - cardio day in gym

8th grade Health
Monday and Wednesday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department, 1st journal writing Wednesday
Journal Entry 1: Coat of Arms and How I See Myself Mirror
Tuesday - Female Reproductive system quiz, Male Reproductive sytem quiz, if ready
Thursday - Finish Reproductive quizzes, Journey of the Fertilized egg quiz
Friday - STI video

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