Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Journal 5 - Due W 11/2 (5 entries = 25 sentences)

M 10/24 Marijuana Fact/Fiction
T 10/25 Marijuana Fact/Fiction, Marijuana Affects Charades
W 10/26 4th hr. -  Inhalants, defininition, why used, body organ affected by use 7th hr. - Continue Marijuana Affects Charades
M 10/31 4th hour -Inhalants, effects, statistics, most/least dangerous drugs  7th hr. marijuana statistics, inhalants and effects on body organs
T 11/1 4th hour - prescription drugs, misuse/abuse, effects and stats 7th hour - dangers of inhalants, key points of inhalants, stats of using inhalants, least/most dangerous drugs, prescription drug stats
Journal Due!

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