Friday, October 28, 2011

Week of October 31, 2011

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday -Vegetable/fruit notes, fruit recipes
Tuesday&Wednesday- Cook and eat fruits
Thursday- Review veg/fruits, Portion Distortion Power Point & discussion
Friday- Fruit/Veg Quiz, begin protein unit

7th grade Sewing/Cooking 
Monday-Friday- Sewing and self-evaluations of project

8th grade Health
Monday & Tuesday- Ms. M.
Wednesday- STI Test (see Study Sheet under Daily Work)
Thursday- Alcohol Video and questions
Friday- Drug Article and questions

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Journal 5 - Due W 11/2 (5 entries = 25 sentences)

M 10/24 Marijuana Fact/Fiction
T 10/25 Marijuana Fact/Fiction, Marijuana Affects Charades
W 10/26 4th hr. -  Inhalants, defininition, why used, body organ affected by use 7th hr. - Continue Marijuana Affects Charades
M 10/31 4th hour -Inhalants, effects, statistics, most/least dangerous drugs  7th hr. marijuana statistics, inhalants and effects on body organs
T 11/1 4th hour - prescription drugs, misuse/abuse, effects and stats 7th hour - dangers of inhalants, key points of inhalants, stats of using inhalants, least/most dangerous drugs, prescription drug stats
Journal Due!

Friday, October 21, 2011

October 24-28, 2011

6th grade
Monday - Wednesday - Return and go over test. Begin vegetable/fruit unit (name, nutrients, benefits, use in meals, tips for cooking/buying)
Thursday&Friday - Cook and eat vegetables

7th grade
Monday-Friday - Work on Sewing Project

8th grade
Monday - Wednesday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department
Thursday - study sheet STI
Friday - STI review

Friday, October 14, 2011

October 17-22, 2011

6th grade
Monday- prepare for cooking, finish muffin lab questions, grain notes
Tuesday- cook french toast or grilled cheese
Wednesday- grain notes, 10 tips to a great plate
Thursday- review measuring, Choose my Plate, grain group
Friday- Measuring, Choose my Plate, Grain group Test

7th grade
Monday-Friday- sew

8th grade
Monday and Wednesday- Ms. M. Kent County Health Dept.
Tuesday- Review Healthy/Unhealthy Relationships, write Thank You
Thursday- Drama Team PRC
Friday- Effects of having STI, STI study sheet

Continue to work on Movie Basket
Monday andThursday- HW/SSR
Tuesday and Wednesday- STR
Friday- Team Bldg/Game day

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Journal 4 - due Th 10/20

Th 10/13  PRC "diamond" story, commitment, how to know where to draw the line, How far is too far to go? 2 question test
F 10/14 PRC Healthy/unhealthy relationships, types of abuse, $600 to choose partner activity
M 10/17 KCHD Review alcohol affects, drunk goggles, hangovers, what works to get a person "undrunk", reasons teens do/do not drink
W 10/19 KCHD (4th hour)alcohol stats,  marijuana fact or fiction (7th hour) how to get "undrunk", hangovers, alcohol stats
Th 10/20 Drama Team PRC

Monday, October 10, 2011

Journal 3

F 10/7 Skills to help you wait for sex, date rape, skits
M 10/10 Tobacco - types, what's in a cigarette,
T 10/11 Long & short term effects of tobacco, secondhand smoke
W 10/12 Why people smoke/don't smoke, alcohol
 Journal 3 due - 4 entries

Friday, October 7, 2011

October 10-14, 2011

6th grade
Monday - kitchen rules/jobs/social contract, scavenger hunt
Tuesday - Muffin recipes, measuring review
Wednesday - Make and bake muffins
Thursday - Make orange juice to enjoy with muffins, assign muffin lab questions
Friday - Lab questions due, choosing and cooking with grains

7th grade
Monday-Friday Finish practice, begin and work on shorts/pants (measuring, cutting out patterns, pinning to fabric, etc.)

8th grade
Monday-Wednesday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department
Thursday&Friday - Mrs. Liles Pregnancy Resource Center
Friday - Challenge Letter Due

Monday&Thursday - HW/SSR
Tuesday - intramurals
Wednesday - STR Pride
Friday - team bldg, game day, check planners