Friday, May 25, 2012

Week of May 28-June 1

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Tuesday - finish Food Safety. Chicken Nugget recipe
Wednesday - make Chicken Nuggets
Thursday - Eat Chicken Nuggets
Friday -  make Mac n Cheese

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
3rd hour
Tuesday - go over and turn in Cooking Packet. go over pancakes/sausages recipes
Wednesday - make pancakes and sausages
Thursday - make Beefaroni and Lasagna
Friday - eat Beefaroni and lasagna

9th hour
Tuesday - practice measuring, work on packet
Wednesday - kitchen groups, jobs, scavenger hunt, packet
Thursday - make and bake muffins
Friday - go over and turn in packets and eat muffins

8th grade Health
Tuesday - First Aid Crossword
Wednesday and Thursday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department
Final Journal due Thursday (6 entries x 5 sentences = 30 sentences) See blog for topics
Friday - Michigan Adventure

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Week of May 21, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - Thursday - go over quizzes. Protein information. Food Safety
Friday - Breakfast Burrito Lab

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
4th hour
Monday-Wednesday - Cooking information. divide into kitchens
Thursday-Friday - Muffins

7th hour
Monday - Wednesday - sewing and self-evaluations
Thursday and Friday - Cooking information. divide into kitchens

8th grade Health
Monday-Wednesday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department (3 entries for Journal 6)
Thursday and Friday - go over STI tests. First Aid

Monday, May 14, 2012

8th Grade Health Journal 6 - Due Thursday 5/31

M 5/14 Go over HW assignment. Analyze media for smoking, drinking, drugs, and violence and how it might affect you. What emotions might you have? Statistics of death due to murder, violence in cartoons. Who are famous role models and how could they affect you positively/negatively.  Ways media is violent and ways to resist media violence

M 5/21 Anxiety - what happens to the body physically/mentally?  What situations cause no anxiety/some anxiety/high anxiety?  What are the ways to deal with anxiety - healthy and unhealthy ways?

T 5/22 Techniques of breathing and relaxation to handle stress. 4th hour Telephone Game

W 5/23 Communication - ways to reduce misunderstandings, peanut butter/jelly sandwich,  body language and communication, passive, assertive and aggressive communication

W 5/30 Passive, assertive, aggressive communication, refusal skills

Th 5/31 Giving compliments, ways to get over being shy

Friday, May 11, 2012

Week of May 14, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - go over recipes for vegetable dishes, review fruits/vegetables/energy drinks/smoking and hearing loss
Tuesday - make vegetables
Wednesday - eat vegetables
Thursday - Quiz from Monday review

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday-Wednesday - sew and self-evaluations
Thursday - go over Cooking Information Sheet

8th grade Health
Monday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department
Tuesday - video discussion, STI study sheet
Wednesday - STI review
Thursday - STI Test

Friday, May 4, 2012

Week of May 7, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - go over recipes, finish vegetable/fruit information
Tuesday - make vegetable dishes
Wednesday - eat vegetable dishes
Thursday - make fruit dishes
Friday - eat fruit dishes

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Sewing and self-evaluation all week.
Maybe the last week of sewing

8th grade Health
Monday-Wednesday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Dept.
Thursday - finish HIV info, effects of HIV/STIs
Friday - Sex, Love, and Lies video and discussion