Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Week of April 9, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - Portion Distortion Power Point, Healthy Behavior study sheet
Tuesday - go over review sheet
Wednesday - Healthy Behavior Test
Thursday and Friday - Grain group information

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday - Sewing machine practice
Tuesday-Friday - finish practice and begin sewing projects

8th grade Health
Monday and Tuesday - Ms. M. Kent Co. Health Department (Journal 2 due Tuesday)
Wednesday - Male reproductive system and Fertilized egg quizzes, make-up or retake female reproductive quiz
Thursday - Mrs. Liles Pregnancy Resource Center
Friday - Mrs. Liles Pregnancy Resource Center

Monday, March 26, 2012

8th Health Journal 2 - Due Friday 4/13 (5 entries)

M 3/26 Definition of self image, Beachball - what builds up/deflates self-image, can activity - what worked/didn't work
T 3/27 discussion of can activity and setting goals, steps in setting a goal, student setting personal short term goal
M 4/9 decision-making, examples of decisions already made this morning, Mark's story and who was responsible for Maria's decision, 3 Cs of decision-making
T 4/10 review 3 c's, decision making situations in groups, ways people use tobacco
Th 4/12 STI power point, Sunny D experiment
F 4/13 Mrs. Liles Absent

Friday, March 23, 2012

Week of March 26, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday and Tuesday - finish and review Healthy Behavior (rumors/facts, talk test, barriers) roleplay
Wednesday - 3 mile project celebration

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday - review and practice threading
Tuesday - Sewing Test
Wednesday - 3 mile project celebration and Sparty Cup

8th grade Health
Monday - Ms. M. Kent County Health Department
Tuesday - Ms. M.
Wednesday - 3 mile project celebration and Sparty Cup

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

8th Grade Health - Journal 1 - Due Friday 3/23 Three entries = 15 sentences/facts

Anytime you are absent for a journal, please write absent and the date in the journal so I know why it isn't there and will give you the points!
W 3/23 Ms. M. from Kent Co. Health Department -  Coat of Arms
Th 3/24 Mrs. Liles from Pregnancy Resource Center - definition and examples of abstinence, handout for parents and interview assignment (due T 3/27) and handout: reasons teens are sexually active and/or deciding to wait, The Sex Game
F 3/25 Mrs. Liles - skits about teen pregnancy, Teen Pregnancy power point

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week of March 19, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - finish Health poster
Tuesday - Benefits of Breakfast magazine article and questions
Wednesday - Rumors/Truth about healthy eating/exercise
Thursday - More
Friday - barriers to healthy eating/exercise, roleplay

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday - continue Sewing packet
Tuesday - study sheet and crossword
Wednesday - ORDERS DUE, continue from yesterday
Thursday - assign drawers/machines, review
Friday - Test??? (students vote for Friday or Monday)

8th grade Health
Monday - Wednesday  Ms. M. Kent County Health Department
Thursday and Friday - Mrs. Liles Pregnancy Resource Center
Begin Journal writing on Wednesday. Collect Journal 1 Friday - 3 entries 5sentences each.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Week of March 12, 2012 - BEGIN THIRD TRIMESTER

Monday all classes - Syllabus and Procedures - syllabus sent home for signature (1st assignment grade)
Tuesday all classes - Social Contract

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Wednesday-Friday - Healthy  behaviors

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Wednesday - Sewing project letter
Thursday - Sewing pretest
Friday - Sewing Information Packet

8th grade Health
Wednesday - Reproductive system/Teen pregnancy Pretest and begin study sheet
Thursday - continue study sheet for male/female reproductive system, Journal information and practice
Friday - quiz over female reproductive system and male for students who are ready

Friday, March 2, 2012

Week of March 5, 2012

6th grade Health/Nutrition
Monday - Danger Zone questions, dairy group
Tuesday - Macncheese or English Muffin pizza lab
Wednesday - make cookie dough
Thursday - bake and eat cookies
Friday - Encore celebration for kids with A or B

7th grade Sewing/Cooking
Monday - sew and self-evaluations
Tuesday - measuring practice and decide what to cook
Wednesday and Thursday - cook
Friday - Encore celebration for kids with A or B

7th grade Health
Monday and Tuesday - muscle and cardio fitness written activities
Wednesday - open note muscle/cardiovascular fitness test
Thursday - cardio day in gym
Friday - Encore celebration for kids with A or B

8th grade Health
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - Ms. M. Last three journal days, Journal Due 5 entries=25 sentences
Thursday - Posttest and thank you for Ms. M.
Friday - Encore celebration for kids with A or B